Varuzhan Geghamyan: The one who cedes lands will never be able to conquer the space

Armenia –

Turkologist Varuzhan Geghamyan reacted to Nikol Pashinyan's statement that Armenia’s first space satellite was launched into the Earth’s orbit on a SpaceX spacecraft.

"There is and should be only one agenda for discussions in Armenia: the ouster of the pro-Turkish authorities to have a chance to save Artsakh, Syunik and the Armenian statehood. Everything else, from Eurovision to the satellite, is a fictitious agenda that has nothing to do with Armenia, much less with Armenia's urgent problems,” he wrote on Facebook on Thursday.

“Do not succumb to the propaganda of the capitulant!” Geghamyan said, urging people to join the opposition rally to be held in France Square on Thursday evening.

“The one who cedes lands will never be able to conquer the space,” he added.