Parents of fallen soldiers enter SJC building in Yerevan

Armenia –

SOCIETY 14:20 26/05/2022 ARMENIA

The parents of Armenian soldiers killed in the 2020 war in Artsakh entered the building of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), a state body overseeing Armenian courts, for a meeting with its chair, Gagik Jhangiryan.

About 60 parents, led by Karin Tonoyan, gathered near the state agency in central Yerevan on Thursday morning to protest against a court decision to bar them from attending hearings on an appeal against the refusal to bring treason charges against PM Nikol Pashinyan.

They demanded a meeting with the SJC chief, who eventually agreed to receive 30 parents.

Aram Vardevanyan, an MP from the opposition Hayastan alliance, said reporters were not let in, adding the parents would raise the issue at the meeting.

The Armenian opposition leaders and supporters marched to the SJC earlier on Thursday to support the protesting parents.