Hrant Bagratyan: The Armenian authorities flirt first with the West, and then with Russia

Armenia – May 25 2022

ArmInfo. <Dark clouds are gathering over Armenia. The authorities, in accordance with their nature, flirt first with the West, and then with Russia>, former Prime Minister of Armenia, well- known economist and statesman Hrant Bagratyan wrote on his  Facebook page.

In his opinion, "the May can be considered the month of the West."  <Firstly, there was an unsuccessful trilateral meeting in Brussels  with the participation of Aliyev, where there was not a word about  the Republic of Artsakh, only cautious hints of cultural autonomy.  This, by the way, as a reminder to pro- European politicians. Then,  in Davos, the President of Armenia meets with the presidents of  countries hostile to Russia (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) and  invites them to Armenia>, Bagratyan says, asking the current  politicians in power: "Why are you doing this? Do you do it on  purpose or do you not find anyone who wants to meet you? "

In this vein, the ex-premier was indignant at the actions of the  Central Bank of Armenia, which intends to sell 65% of the shares of  the Armenian Exchange (AMX) to the Warsaw Stock Exchange. According  to the ex-premier, as a result of the deal, it will be impossible to  list Russian, Chinese and Iranian companies on the Armenian stock  exchange. "Meanwhile, we have 50% of economic ties with these three  countries," Bagratyan noted.