Yerevan and Moscow assured that there can be no question of any corridor logic of unblocking regional communications voiced by Azerbaijan

Armenia – June 9 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The Foreign Ministers of Russia and Armenia, Sergei Lavrov and Ararat Mirzoyan assured there can be no question of any corridor logic of unblocking regional  communications voiced by Azerbaijan.

So, on June 9, at a press conference in Yerevan, answering a question  about the slow work of the commission to unblock communications,  Lavrov did not agree with such an assessment, saying that the work  was proceeding quite rhythmically.

"First of all, I see positive trends here, based on the results of  the meetings at the level of three vice- premiers on June 3. I do not  think the break is too long, they are working rhythmically. We have  reached the preparations for the issues to be resolved," said the  head of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

In this vein, Lavrov noted that the issue of  railway route has  already been agreed upon, and now the agreement on the road links and  the regime that will be established is being completed. "It will be  simplified, but it will absolutely be based on the recognition of the  sovereignty of the Armenian territory.  There can be no ambiguity  here. These are things related to practical actions on the ground,  which are associated with the creation of infrastructure for many  years, as they say. Therefore, we should carefully consider all this.  And we have a complete feeling that both Azerbaijani and Armenian  partners proceed from this," the Russian Foreign Minister said. In  turn, the Armenian Foreign Minister also expressed his conviction  that the work was not delayed, and discussions continue at a working  pace. He once again stressed that there is a common understanding on  many issues.

According to him, this primarily concerns the fact that all the roads  that open will operate within the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the  countries through which they pass. "Naturally, there can be no  question any corridor logic, which I want to emphasize. This is a  common understanding," Mirzoyan said.

At the same time, he acknowledged the presence of details on which  the parties have equal approaches, but work continues and the  minister hopes that a mutually acceptable solution will be found. 

It should be noted that on January 11, talks between the leaders of  Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia Vladimir Putin, Ilham Aliyev and Nikol  Pashinyan were held in Moscow. After the talks, the Russian leader  announced the formation of a working group, which will be headed by  the vice-premiers of the three countries. The group deals with issues  of unblocking economic, trade and transport links in the region,  opening borders.

On June 3, the 10th meeting of the trilateral working group was held  under the joint chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Ministers of Armenia  – Mher Grigoryan, Russia – Alexei Overchuk and Azerbaijan – Shahin  Mustafayev.

"Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan have brought their positions closer  on border and other types of control, as well as on the safe passage  of citizens, vehicles and goods on roads and railways through the  territories of Armenia and Azerbaijan. The vice-premiers discussed  possible routes for the passage of the highway, which provides  transport links between the western regions of Azerbaijan and  Nakhichevan through the territory of Armenia. The parties will  continue to work on the implementation of the agreements between the  leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan regarding the unblocking of  transport links in the region," it was said following the meeting.