Opposition: Let Lavrov know that negotiator has no mandate behind closed doors


Armenia – June 8 2022

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Armenia today to participate in the session of the CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers. Deputy Speaker of the Armenian Parliament from the opposition Ishkhan Saghatelyan wrote about it on his Facebook page.

He noted in particular:

"The Armenian people have already formed their own agenda, which today is discussed and defended in the streets, squares of Armenia and presented to the international community, including arriving international partners. The priorities emanating from the vital interests of our people have nothing in common with the agenda negotiated behind closed doors by the Armenian authorities.

That's why we will gather tomorrow, 9 June, at 09:00 on France Square to once again raise the voice of our people and inform our strategic ally that the person who negotiates with them behind closed doors from a loser's perspective does not express the will of the Armenian people and therefore has no mandate to conduct any process on our behalf,” he said.