98.2% of respondents in Armenia are against Artsakh becoming part of Azerbaijan


Armenia – June 8 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. 66% of respondents in Armenia are convinced that a 44- day war in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone was inevitable. This is evidenced by the results of a  study conducted and published by the Caucasus Research Resource  Center (CRRC).

At the same time, 34% of respondents are convinced that the war could  have been avoided. 28% of respondents reported that they participated  in hostilities, 72% – did not participate. 5% were injured during the  war and recovered, 95% were not injured. 5% lost their jobs as a  result of the war, 4% – lost property and only 2% reported that they  had lost their relatives during the war.

At the same time, 91% of respondents expressed concern about the  negative consequences of the war, 3% were not concerned, and another  6% were neutral about the consequences. 79% are concerned about the  uncertainty caused by the war, 13% are not concerned, 9% are neutral.  63% of respondents also expressed concern about the impact of the war  on their income, 23% – not concerned about this circumstance, 13% -  neutral. 24% of respondents expressed concern about disagreements  with family members regarding the country's domestic policy, 64% -  not concerned, 12% – neutral.

At the same time, 78.8% of those polled were in favor of  Nagorno-Karabakh becoming part of Armenia, 9.1% were against it,  another 12.1% considered it acceptable.

59.8% of the respondents would unequivocally allow Artsakh to gain  independence, 20.1% would rather allow it, another 20.1 would not  allow it. Another 23.1% of respondents were in favor of Artsakh  becoming part of Russia, 29.5% – rather for it, 47.4% were against  it.

Moreover, 94.3% of respondents were against the creation of an  administrative division (on the territory of the NKR – ed. note),  which would be controlled by both Armenia and Azerbaijan. 97.9% of  those polled were against receiving autonomy by Artsakh within  Azerbaijan. And 98.2% said no to the accession of Artsakh to  Azerbaijan without any status.

At the same time, 32% are convinced that Armenia should do everything  to return all the territories of Nagorno-Karabakh, 42% are convinced  that Armenia should return all the territories lost as a result of  the 44-day war, another 26% of respondents believe that Armenia  should maintain the status quo.

At the same time, 52% of respondents were against the establishment of  transport communications between Armenia and Azerbaijan, another 14%  said that they disagree to some extent, 16% were neither for nor  against, 12% said that they agree to some extent, and only 6% were in  favor of opening communications.  62% of respondents are convinced  that the opening of communications between Nakhichevan and Azerbaijan  through the territory of the Republic of Armenia will pose a threat  to the security of Armenia, 17% believe that it will create threats  to some extent, 7% do not share this point of view, 6% – rather not  share, 7% – neither for nor against.

45% also do not share the opinion that the opening of the  above-mentioned road will create the basis for the development of the  RA economy, another 10% rather do not share this opinion, 24% rather  share this opinion, 12% do, 9% are neither for nor against.  89% of  respondents also expressed the belief that it is impossible to forget  what happened between peoples in the past. The citizens of Armenia  are also inclined to believe that in the foreseeable future there  will be a new war for Nagorno-Karabakh.  The study was conducted from  December 18, 2021 to February 4, 2022. The study involved 1648  respondents over 18 years of age. Citizens were selected from the  republican electoral lists of 2018.  Accuracy +/- 2.4%. Conducted  tete-a-tete polls.  31% of respondents are from Yerevan, 32% – from  other cities of the republic, another 37% – from villages.  55% are  women, 47% are men, of which 52% are unemployed and 48% are employed.  35% of respondents had secondary education, 28%- secondary vocational  education, 25% – higher education, 1%- post-graduate scientific  degree, 3% – incomplete higher education, 7% – incomplete secondary  education.