Newspaper: Armenia, Azerbaijan athletes to stay at same hotel
Armenia –

YEREVAN. – Hraparak daily of Armenia writes: A basketball tournament will start in Malta on June 29, in which the national basketball teams of Armenia and Azerbaijan will [also] take part.

The head coach of our team, Rex Kalamian, recently had announced in the US that they have a task ahead of them: to definitely beat the Azerbaijani national team, which received a heated response in Azerbaijan. Basketball player Amil Gamzayev stated that Azerbaijan has already celebrated its main victory, answered in such a way for 44 days [of the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) war in the fall of 2020] that that Armenians will hardly forget it. Then they started making threats.

And our athletes will stay at the same hotel with the Azerbaijanis, which is fraught with dangers. It is not known how the boasting Azerbaijani athletes, who had refused to come to Armenia to participate in a boxing championship, will behave in Malta.