We are interested in the situation being favorable for people living in Nagorno-Karabakh: President of Federal Council of Austria

Armenia –

Naira Badalian

ArmInfo. The delegation headed by RA NA Speaker Alen Simonyan, who is in Austria on an official visit, was received by Christine Schwarz-Fuchs, President of the Federal  Council of the Republic of Austria.

According to the press service of the legislative body of Armenia, in  a conversation with his coumterpart, the NA speaker noted that in  recent years, positive dynamics in the development of bilateral  relations has been observed on the political platform between Armenia  and Austria. There were active mutual visits, meetings at the level  of presidents, prime ministers, foreign ministers. He added that it  is necessary to establish cooperation between the Armenian parliament  and the upper house of the Austrian parliament, since parliamentary  diplomacy plays a significant role in the bilateral Armenian-Austrian  agenda both at the federal and decentralized levels.

Alen Simonyan reaffirmed Armenia's commitment, together with its  European partners, to expand and deepen the process of institutional  reforms aimed at further strengthening democracy, human rights and  the rule of law. In this sense, according to the President of the  National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, the entry into force of  the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement is a  turning point that will open up new prospects for deepening  Armenia-EU cooperation.

During the conversation, issues related to the liberalization of the  Armenia-EU visa regime, the opening of the Austrian embassy in  Armenia, the opening of Austrian visa services in Yerevan were  discussed.

Touching upon the 44-day war and the many problems caused by it, Alen  Simonyan once again welcomed the efforts of Austria aimed at  strengthening peace and stability in the region, creating an  atmosphere of mutual trust, and developing regional cooperation.

The parties also touched upon the importance of the centuries-old  Armenian community in Austria, which is a reliable bridge between the  two countries. Christine Schwartz-Fuchs proudly noted the great  contribution of Armenians to the cultural, economic and political  life of their country.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the Federation Council of  the Republic of Austria noted the importance of the visit of the head  of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, noting that it  will provide new opportunities for expanding inter-parliamentary  cooperation between Armenia and Austria.  "We are interested in a  favorable situation for people living in Nagorno-Karabakh. In this  sense, you can consider Austria as a reliable partner>, said  Christine Schwarz-Fuchs, President of the Federal Council of the  Republic of Austria.