Bordachev: Russia’s surrounding area, where Armenia is also present, will be part of general conflict space
Armenia – July 2 2022

Conflicts will continue and, of course, Russia’s surrounding area, where Armenia is also present, will be part of the general conflict space, like the rest of the world. Timofei Bordachev, Program Director of the Valdai Discussion Club, stated about this Saturday during the discussion in Yerevan on "Russia-West conflict in Ukraine."

According to the Russian analyst, no one is an exception in this case.

"And here we also have to realize that our international relations, the international relations of our countries will always develop in the shadow of war," said the political scientist.

As per Bordachev, the current conflict in Ukraine is a conflict of the new times, of which there will be many.

"And we should be ethically and physically ready for it," the analyst added, in particular.

According to Bordachev, the aforesaid applies to all countries because, ultimately, each of them is individually accountable before its citizens.

"This applies, of course, to Russia, and Armenia, and the USA, and any European power, and anyone," the Russian political scientist emphasized.

In his opinion, the key task for Russia, Armenia, and other countries will be their own internal development, increasing their internal stability, and increasing the confidence of their citizens in the fact that—regardless of foreign relations—their life inside their country will be organized in a unique way, and their country will ensure a certain level of fairness toward their basic interests.

"And wars are inevitable, and we have to live with them," Timofei Bordachev added.