Armenian, Azerbaijani experts in search of peace in South Caucasus

Armenia – June 29 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The Joint Armenian-Azerbaijani Contact Group on Confidence Building Measures in Support of Lasting Peace in the South Caucasus (JOLIG), consisting of  11 Armenian and Azerbaijani independent experts and opinion makers,  met in Kachreti, Georgia, June 27 and June 28, 2022 to review its  activities and agree on a strategy on how its work on  confidence-building measures can contribute to efforts towards a  lasting peace in the South Caucasus.

As Turan reports, The participants discussed the efforts undertaken  by the governments of the two countries with the support of  international players aimed at creating the proper conditions for the  normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. They  called on the leadership of both countries to remain focused and  committed to this mission.

The participants recognized the serious danger posed by the ongoing  international processes, and in particular the war in Ukraine, which  has implications for all Eastern Partnership countries, as well as  for European and global security. They hoped for a speedy end to the  conflict and for the restoration of peace in Ukraine.

The group emphasized its conviction that confidence-building measures  are necessary for the implementation of the current state of the  Armenian-Azerbaijani relations and are indispensable, as the  governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan seek peaceful solutions to  long-term disputes and contradictions between them.

The group assessed the reaction to its "South Caucasus from War to  Peace, 30 Measures to 2030" report, published on April 2, 2022. It  noted the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the report within the  region and the international community, and especially as expressed  at the advocacy meetings held in Baku on 25 April and in Yerevan on  30 May.

The group has decided to remain in its membership until December 31,  2025, and outlined the steps it will take over the next six-month  period in support of the ongoing peace efforts in the region. The  group decided to intensify its contacts with the governments of  Armenia and Azerbaijan and other local, regional and international  stakeholders to determine the best ways in which it can contribute to  ongoing peace efforts by helping build dialogue and trust and reduce  misperceptions. It will continue to work with the media and civil  society networks to ensure that peace processes are better understood  in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The members of the Joint Armenian-Azerbaijani Contact Group are:  Ahmad Alili, Mehman Aliyev, Stepan Grigoryan, Taron Hovhannissyan,  Shahla Ismail, Samir Mammadov, Gevorg Melikyan, Johnny Melikyan,  Benyamin Poghosyan, Ramazan Samedov and Anar Veliyev.

The participants of the meeting in Kachreti thanked LINKS Europe for  its continued involvement and contribution to the process of  confidence building in the South Caucasus, as well as the European  Union for supporting their initiative.  Representatives of LINKS  Europe and the EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus  attended the meeting in Kachreti and actively contributed to the  discussions.