Armenia has received roughly 10,000 citizenship applications in 2022

Armenia – July 6 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - About 10,000 people have applied for Armenian citizenship since the beginning of the year, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister's office Taron Chakhoyan said Wednesday, July 6.

"9,917 applications for Armenian citizenship were submitted in the first 6 months of 2022 alone, twice as much as in the same period in 2017 and 2018 and 3 times as much as in the first six months of post-war 2021," Chakhoyan said.

The country's Migration Service revealed in late June that more than 250 foreigners, most of them from Ukraine, have applied for refugee status and asylum in Armenia since the beginning of the year.

Over the past ten years, Armenia has provided a refugee status to more than 1500 asylum seekers. In the past five years, the Migration Service has been receiving an average of 220 applications for asylum per year.