Displaced Artsakh Armenians say Armenian government ‘ignores’ their concerns

Armenia – July 8 2022

Armenians displaced from their homes in Artsakh’s Hadrut and Shushi during the 2020 war accused the Armenian government of “ignoring” their concerns for two years at a protest in Yerevan on Friday.

“We have been in an uncertain situation for two years now,” a man displaced from Hadrut told reporters at the protest outside the UN Office in city center.

“We don't know what status we have. In fact, after all we have gone through we are refugees, we escaped from the genocide," he said.

The man says if the displaced Artsakh Armenians are granted refugee status, they will be able to return to their homes in case of the de-occupation of Shushi and Hadrut.

“Clause 6 of the November 9 statement stipulates the return of refugees and displaced persons to their places of residence,” he stressed.

The man claims the Armenian government has made no efforts to resolve their problems.

“No one in Armenia cares about our problems now. They say it’s for the Artsakh government to deal with them. The government of Armenia only provides financial support to the Artsakh government now, constantly talking about it. No other support is provided to us. But when it comes to the handover of settlements, the [Armenian] prime minster hold talks over it, not the Artsakh authorities,” the protester said.