Yerevan expects political will and concrete steps from Ankara: Mirzoyan

Armenia – July 9 2022
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo.In order to achieve success in the normalization of Armenian- Turkish relations today, a political will and readiness to undertake concrete steps towards this  process are necessary. The Armenian side has repeatedly demonstrated  both and we expect the same from the Turkish side. Armenian Foreign  Minister Ararat Mirzoyan stated this in an interview with the Greek  "Kathimerini" newspaper. The press service of the RA MFA reports.

The Head of the  RA MFA noted, that the leadership of Armenia stated  many times and it is also mentioned in our Government program that  Armenia is ready for the establishment of diplomatic relations with  Turkey and opening of the border between our countries that Turkey  unilaterally closed back in 1993.

The Minister also recalled that, the Special Representatives have  been appointed for the process of normalization of relations between  Armenia and Turkey and four meetings have already been held where the  sides reiterated their commitment to continue the process without any  preconditions with the goal of opening the borders and establishing  diplomatic relations. "To give a positive dynamic to that process I  accepted the invitation of the Foreign Minister of Turkey to  participate in the Antalya Diplomatic Forum and met with my  counterpart on the margins of the Forum.  Today, a political will and  readiness to undertake concrete steps towards normalizing relations  are necessary for the success of the process. The Armenian side has  repeatedly demonstrated both and we expect the same from the Turkish  side," he noted.

It should be reminded that on July 1 the fourth meeting of Special  Representatives for the process of normalization of relations between  Armenia and Turkey, Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia  Ruben Rubinyan and Ambassador Serdar Kilic took place in Vienna. The  parties agreed to ensure, as soon as possible, the possibility of  crossing the Armenian-Turkish land border for citizens of third  countries visiting Armenia and Turkey, respectively, and decided to  start the necessary processes in this direction. They also agreed to  start as soon as possible the implementation of direct air  transportation of goods between Armenia and Turkey and decided to  start the necessary processes in this direction. Finally, the parties  reiterated their agreement to continue the normalization process  without preconditions.  The start of the normalization process was  announced on December 13, 2021 by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut  Cavusoglu. At the same time, he stressed that Ankara will act in  coordination with Azerbaijan regarding steps to normalize relations  with Armenia.