PM Pashinyan, Amb. Arisian discuss the perspectives of development of Armenian-Syrian relations

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia – July 12 2022

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Syrian Arab Republic to Armenia Nora Arisian.

The Prime Minister congratulated Ambassador Arisian on the start of her diplomatic mission and wished her effective activities for the development of relations between the two countries.

“Armenia values cooperation and historical ties with Syria. We are following the developments and wish that our friendly Syria overcomes the crisis as soon as possible,” said Nikol Pashinyan.

The Prime Minister referred to the humanitarian mission sent by Armenia to Syria in 2019, which carried out humanitarian mine-clearing, contributed to raising awareness among the population and provided medical services.

Ambassador Nora Arisian thanked for the warm words and emphasized that for her, as a Syrian-Armenian, the diplomatic service in Armenia is an honor. On behalf of the Syrian authorities, she expressed gratitude to the Armenian authorities for the humanitarian assistance provided to the country and noted that she will make her best to further strengthen the bilateral relations.

The interlocutors emphasized the role of the Syrian-Armenian community in strengthening Armenian-Syrian ties. Thoughts were exchanged on the agenda and perspectives of cooperation.