BAKU: Azerbaijan for peaceable resolution of NK conflict – Azeripres

Azerbaijan for peaceable resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict – Azeri president

TREND Info, Azerbaijan
May 5 2006

Source: Trend
Author: S.Aliyev


Azerbaijan wants to resolve the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict over
Nagorno-Karabakh in a peaceable way and is sure that there are still
chances for it, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated in Baku on
May to the opening of the 9th summit of the ECO members-states.

The head of state sated that the patience of the Azerbaijani people
is limited. The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict can be resolved only
within the framework of the international rule of law. “Armenian
occupants forces must leave the Azerbaijani lands and the Azerbaijani
ought to be repatriated to there native lands in order to restore
justice. Any agreement out of this agreement is impossible, as it is
a requirement of the international law,” Aliyev said. The territorial
integrity of Azerbaijan cannot be topic of talks. The President
voiced his gratitude to ECO countries for recognition of Azerbaijan’s

The President stated that there are all terms among ECO member-states
for comprehensive development of economic relationships, whilst their
deepening requires the strengthening of necessary measures in
security of the region. “Azerbaijan takes an active part in the
process and will continue doing so. However, there are a number of
questions exciting concerns. First of all these are issues of
combating international terror, which also requires unification of
efforts of all countries,” the President underlined, noting that all
terror organizations should be viewed from one and the same point. He
reminded that Azerbaijan is a country which suffered from this
problem. The Armenian terror organizations organized over 30 terror
attacks on Azerbaijan, which resulted in death of over 2000 innocent
civilians. The ongoing conflict broken out by Armenia in respect to
Azerbaijan is the major obstacle in the regional, Aliyev underscored.