BAKU: All possible ways for resolution of NK conflict alreadyconside

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
May 5 2006

All possible ways for resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict already
considered – Azeri President states

Source: Trend
Author: S.Aliyev


All possible variants for the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh have been already considered,
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated on 5 May, Trend reports.

The President informed that the co-chairs were actively involved in
the conduct of intensive consultations and different options are
under consideration. He did not rule out possible innovations in the
resolution process.

“I don’t believe that a new proposal can be forwarded for the
resolution of

the problem, or any new proposal can be submitted for the settlement
of the problem. Soon changes can be injected in the proposals which
are under discussion. I do not exclude it, as it could bring us
closer to the resolution of the conflict,” Aliyev underlined.

Azerbaijan’s position remains unchanged, he stated. “We support the
use of international legal norms and there should be a unified
approach in this issue, he said. The conflict and mechanisms for its
resolution must not be separated from common processes ongoing
throughout the world. We cannot agree with the application of a
special option.’