Armenia ex-ruling party official: Russia needs to grasp pan-Turkism objectives
Armenia –

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan directly stated that Ankara's foreign policy is based on neo-Ottomanism; that is, modern Turkey wants to restore both the influence and the borders of the Ottoman Empire. Eduard Sharmazanov, National Assembly ex-deputy speaker as well as vice-chairman and spokesperson of the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), told this to a press conference Monday.

According to him, all the aforesaid is planned to be implemented at the expense of the interests of Armenia and Greece, and Ankara already has quite serious problems with the Greeks.

"This is what the so-called ‘era of peace’ [announced by Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan] is," the former MP explained.

But, as the RPA official noted, Turkey with its growing ambitions poses a threat not only to Armenia and Greece, but also to Russia.

"If they [i.e., the Russians], apart from Armenians and Greeks, do not grasp the objectives of pan-Turkism, then the end of the Russian Empire will come," the Armenian opposition member emphasized.