Forecast: The situation in the South Caucasus is extremely dangerous as of today and is fraught with a large-scale war already tomorrow

Armenia – July 28 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.The West is putting pressure on Armenia to recognize Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan. The goal is the subsequent withdrawal of the Russian servicemen from  there and after that, to link the Turkic world encircling Russia  through the Armenian Syunik. Political scientist Stepan Danielyan  expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

"In general, the West is now faced with the task of opening a second  front against the Russian Federation in the South Caucasus. The  geopolitical balance established by the Astana agreements between  Russia, Iran and Turkey is on the way to this goal. And it is the  Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, its development into a large-scale  war, that will allow the West destroy this balance by pushing all the  countries of the region against each other," he said.

According to the political scientist, neighboring countries, in  particular Iran, will not be able to stand aside in the event of a  war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. And the same statements from  Tehran about the inadmissibility of any territorial changes in the  Syunik region of Armenia and on the border with Iran indicate the  presence of appropriate external impulses.  According to Danielyan,  as a result, the situation in the region is extremely dangerous as of  today and is fraught with an even larger-scale war than the Ukrainian  one already tomorrow. And the leadership of Armenia is already at a  crossroads between the prospect of a new war and a serious  military-political and economic dependence on the Russian Federation.  Very serious external players are interested in the war. In  particular, the United States, which does not want to cede hegemony  in the world to China or Russia.

"This is where the American strategy aimed at upsetting the balance  of power in the South Caucasus originates. Part of which is the talks  of Secretary of State Blinken with Pashinyan and Aliyev, visits of  high-ranking officials from Iran, the United States and Russia to the  Transcaucasian capitals, etc. It is possible to break the balance by  using the contradictions between Armenia and Azerbaijan. After that,  involve Turkey, Russia and, ultimately, Iran in the war between them.  In response to all these challenges and threats the Armenian  leadership  prefers to play for time, waiting for the end of the war  in Ukraine," Danielyan summed up.