Arkady Karapetyan: Azerbaijan is clearly implementing its plan, war is inevitable
Armenia – Aug 2 2022

Azerbaijan's latest actions are a prelude to a planned war. The first commander of the NKR Self-Defense Army, military commander Arkady Karapetyan (Ago) told today.

"Azerbaijan is not trying to escalate the situation, Azerbaijan is preparing for the battle. It is clearly fulfilling its plan, the war is inevitable. Their ultimate goal is to destroy Armenia and the Armenian people. Azerbaijan is saying that Yerevan is mine, but people calm themselves with the fact that through provocations Azerbaijan only wants a corridor. We won't be able to implement our plans until this nation unites and becomes a force. We don't even know what we want, because we have no ideology. The fact that conscripts from Armenia will no longer go to Artsakh means that Artsakh is left alone. The authorities of the Republic of Armenia have washed their hands of Artsakh. Everything is very clear, no matter what they say. The last session of our first republic started like this: we could have given Karabakh weapons and ammunition, but we didn't. Even now little has changed, everything is repeated," Karapetyan noted.

According to Arkady Karapetyan, our Armed Forces are not in the best condition today, but the problem can be solved in a few days.

"It is necessary to bring the army to such a state that we can bypass everyone. I think the most difficult thing for us is the moral and psychological condition of the army. We have no spine now. You have to serve in the army like churches serve in the army. You don't have to work in the army, you have to serve, because you get joy from serving, and the efficiency increases a thousandfold," Arkady Karapetyan said.

According to Arkady Karapetyan, now it is impossible to imagine what may happen when Russian peacekeepers leave Artsakh, because the situation in the world is arranged in such a way that it is impossible even to predict what will happen in half an hour.

"We need to talk about what will happen tomorrow. I am optimistic because our people have a sense of Sardarapat. We're dealing with a lot of issues. We feel like we're not important to the world, which is why we're in this situation. And in fact, we are very important. We have always accomplished what we have accomplished on our own. God shows us everything, we just have to see. Our program must be changed, it is obvious that our potential and possibilities are very great," said Arkady Karapetyan.

Referring to a statement by Arsen Torosyan, a member of the Civil Accord faction, that death has been preached to us for decades, Karapetyan noted that the world also needs to be protected.

"Whoever says that, let him live peacefully, fat and fortunate in America. Who preaches death, there is no such thing. If there was such a thing, we just wouldn't exist. The world doesn't want peace, there are nations that openly say Armenia should be destroyed, such as the Republic of Pakistan. Well, let's tell Pakistan that we are your brother. Will it accept us? It's ridiculous if we say we want war in this situation, but you have to be prepared to defend your peace and yourselves. Death is not to blame here either. If you can't defend yourself, you have to die. The incessant talk about the age of peace, preparation is an excuse for the weak to do nothing. Life is very simple and cruel. Nothing has changed in the world and in human relations. No organism can survive long in a state of anxiety," Karapetyan noted.