BAKU: Swante Cornell: Armenia lost support from France and the US

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
May 8 2006

Swante Cornell: Armenia lost support from France and the US

Source: «Trend»
Author: R. Abdullayev


Status of Nagorny-Karabakh will not be defined at current stage of
peace negotiations, reportedly said Swante Cornell, Research
Director, John Hopkins University.

Cornell said this issue may be discussed upon return of most part of
occupied Azeri grounds.

He added that in resolution of the conflict Armenia lost the support
earlier provided by the US and France.

«At the moment Azerbaijan is quite an important state for the US, and
France is neutral in this conflict»,- he outlined. Yerevan, he
continued, is left aside the processes going in the region, while
Baku is in the very center.

Cornell stated the necessity in America’s participation in resolution
of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Thus, it is likely that official
Washington is going to pay more attention to this issue.