BAKU: Aliyev receives delegation led by Pakistani HR Chief

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
May 8 2006

[May 08, 2006, 22:08:07]

President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan on 8 May received the delegation
led by Chairman of the Pakistani Senate Committee on Human Rights
Senator Seyyed Muhammad Zafar.

Presenting the `Best Governed Moslem State’ Award to President Ilham
Aliyev, Senator Seyyed Muhammad Zafar said:

`Your Excellency Mr. President,

By Your permission, I wish to express to our Azerbaijani brothers
deep gratitude for high hospitality, rendered to delegation of
`Pakistan Observer’ since yesterday evening when we have arrived
here. It is a great honor to be here and on behalf of the newspaper
`Pakistan Observer’ to hand over to Your Excellency the authoritative
`Best Governed Muslim State’ Award which the President of the
Azerbaijan Republic has been bestowed on.

Dear Mr. President, this Award has been founded in 2005 by the
newspaper `Pakistan Observer’, possessing wide reader’s audience in
Pakistan, with a view of rendering assistance to development of
efficient management in the Islamic world. As a result of wide
discussions and consultations lead with participation of numerous
experts, analysts, researchers and of some other known people of
Pakistan, the editorial board of the newspaper `Pakistan Observer’
has made a decision on delivery of this Award to Your Excellency’.

Further the guest said:

`The Award is directed on development of efficient management among
the Islamic states. Correct management is the major factor and means
of realization of hopes and wishes of the people connected with more
safe life, skills to take a worthy place among nations of the world,
therefore, the establishment of such Award has been recognized

Mr. President, in the internal policy you have undertaken such
grandiose work as reorganization of the state, have achieved
significant successes in strengthening democratic values and carrying
out of reforms in political, economic and social spheres. Among your
valuable merits it is possible to name attraction of people to
participation in the questions representing national interest,
upbringing the feelings of national pride, tolerance, education and
brotherhood. Owing to the steps undertaken by you, the people had
feeling of the unity, considered important for development and
tranquility of any people, established peace and stability.

Thanks to far-sighted policy of the great Heydar Aliyev, who headed
the recently established independent Azerbaijan state, your country
has achieved significant progress in political, economic and social

Senator Seyyed Muhammad Zafar further said:

`Today Azerbaijan can serve as a bright example of distribution of
idea of educational liberalism among the Islamic countries. Tolerance
existing in Azerbaijan between the Islam, Christianity, Judaism and
other religions is worthy admiration. Mr. President, one of Your
significant successes is that in Azerbaijan there are no such
problems as extreme measure and radicalism. It foretells tranquility,
which expects your country in the future. You managed to achieve
national unity in the country. You really deserve to be named as the
fair government.

Mr. President, for us it is great honor to hand over to You this

President Ilham Aliyev has expressed gratitude for the Award. Having
noted, that Pakistan is one of the closest allies of Azerbaijan in
the world, he ascertained, that relations between two countries are
high level. President Ilham Aliyev has highly estimated complete
support by Pakistan of the fair position of Azerbaijan connected with
aggression of Armenia against the country and the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.