MEP Marina Kaljurand “appalled” by recent military operation launched by Azerbaijan

Public Radio of Armenia
Aug 5 2022

I am appalled by the recent serious breaches of the ceasefire on the Nagorno-Karabakh line of contact and in particular the military operation launched by Azerbaijan on 3 August around the Lachin corridor and in the north-western section, Chair of the EU Delegation for relations with the South Caucasus, MEP
Marina Kaljurand said in a statement.

“As admitted by Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense, its operation included airstrikes by UAVs and resulted in the capturing of a number of advantageous new positions beyond the line of contact,” she said.

“I deplore the loss of life on both sides and urge an immediate halt to the use of force. I call on all actors to show utmost restraint and stress that all military units must retreat to their positions in line with the trilateral statement of 9 November 2020,” Marina Kaljurand said.

“Azerbaijan and Armenia have a historic opportunity to end decades of conflict and lay the
foundations for a peaceful and prosperous region. I urge all parties concerned to avoid any
actions undermining trust and threatening the negotiations at this crucial point in time,” she stated.