Forecast: Azerbaijani provocations will not stop with the surrender of Berdzor

Armenia – Aug 9 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.All recent actions of Azerbaijan in Artsakh are a consequence of military realities between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Hovik Aghazaryan, MP from the Civil Contract  parliamentary faction, expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

"Baku, realizing that the Artsakh problem is still far from being  resolved, and the post-war realities are not limited only to its  statements, according to which "there is no more Karabakh problem",  moreover, "there is no Karabakh itself", today resorts to military  provocations, with the hope of achieving the results of the 44-day  war," he said.

According to the parliamentarian,  it is within the framework of this  logic Azerbaijan is in a hurry to solve the Lachin Corridor issue,  striving to quickly complete what was started on September 27, 2020,  although according to the same statement of November 9, three years  have been allocated for this. And as an argument, it presents the  bypass road built in the direction of Teghi and Kornidzor.

According to the parliamentarian, one way or another, the land  connection between Armenia and Artsakh cannot be interrupted.  Regardless of whether or not Armenia will build a bypass, alternative  road in Artsakh on time. At the same time, Aghazaryan expressed  confidence in the continuation of Azerbaijani provocations in Artsakh  and on the border with Armenia after the surrender of Berdzor. 

"The reason for such a forecast is still the same – Baku is  dissatisfied with the results of the last war.  Accordingly, it will  continue to put pressure on us through shelling, regardless of the  terms of Berdzor's handover, while continuing to promise its society  to get to Sevan, Meghri, Yerevan, etc. Accordingly, regardless of  everything, we must be ready to launch a worthy counterattack at any  moment," he stressed.

Recalling that the surrender of Berdzor was originally agreed on  November 9, 2020, Aghazaryan stressed that the Armenian government  does not intend to make any other territorial concessions, primarily  on the issue of the so-called corridor through the Syunik region of  Armenia. According to him, today it is only about the possibility of  communication between Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan in accordance with  the legislation of Armenia.