Expert: Based on Azerbaijan’s statements, Nakhchivan should be returned to Armenians
Armenia – Aug 19 2022

If Azerbaijan considers itself the legal successor of the Azerbaijan Republic of 1918-1920 and does not recognize the Azerbaijan SSR within its borders, then we can remember that Nakhchivan was transferred to Azerbaijan during the USSR. In this case, let them return it to Armenians, famous cartographer Rouben Galichian told

He reminded that from 1918 to 1936, there were no enclaves in Armenia and the USSR had created them.

"So the Azerbaijanis should not talk about them either, as well as about Allich, which was also handed over to them by the USSR. Everything that was handed over by the Soviet authorities should be returned to Armenians," Galichian noted.

The expert reminded once again that the document on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan was ratified back in 1969 on the basis of the maps of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

"The Azerbaijanis have seriously advanced from this border deep into Armenia in the areas of Sevlich, Shroja, David Bek. Until they withdraw their troops beyond the border line, the document on which Azerbaijan itself ratified, we should not start the process of delimitation and demarcation," he said.