Artsakh authorities diligently empty another village
Armenia – Aug 22 2022

Artsakh authorities diligently devastated another village, for which Azerbaijan should "reward" them. A resident of Aghavno village Haykaram Mnatsakanyan wrote on a Facebook post. "Ilham Aliyev will thank, I hope, also award Hayk Khanumyan and all those who led this work with the Heydar Aliyev Gold Medal," he says. According to the resident, although Aghavno is deprived of electricity and all means of communication, they are still there. "We need you all to live in Aghavno, we do not lose hope, although they go step by step to their goal to please Aliyev; the village was not devastated by the Russian or Armenian governments, this village was devastated by the Artsakh government," says Haykaram Mnatsakanyan.

On August 5, Artsakh Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Hayk Khanumyan informed Aghavno and Berdzor residents that they must leave their homes before August 25. On August 18, electricity, telephone, internet, gas and later water supply was cut off in these settlements. Most of the population has already left Berdzor and Aghavno.