Political scientist: Ukraine has become a testing ground

Armenia – Aug 25 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.There are two tendencies around the Ukrainian war, that have already clearly  manifested themselves. Professor of Political Science at YSU Faculty  of International Relations Garik Keryan expressed a similar opinion  to ArmInfo.

"Based on the fact that, as of today, actually, there is actually not  a war between Ukraine and Russia, but a war between Russia and NATO  in Ukraine, we have to state the fact that Ukraine has turned into an  arena for experimenting with various types of weapons. First of all,  the warring parties spend the remaining outdated arsenals since World  War II," he said.

At the same time, according to the political scientist, the warring  parties are also quite successfully testing weapons developed in  recent decades in Ukraine, including the latest, ultra-modern types  of weapons that are being tested in real combat conditions for the  first time. Meanwhile, in the opinion of Keryan, such testing has its   price and great importance from a commercial point of view in the  world arms markets.

In this light, the political scientist recalled that after testing  Israeli and Turkish UAVs in Artsakh, now their testing in Ukraine  significantly contributes to the growth of demand in international  arms markets. Thus, big money is made on Slavic blood. Keryan  believes that this is exactly what explains the desire of the West  not to allow the end of the war in Ukraine, as well as their regular  encouragement of Ukrainian President Zelensky in order to keep him  from negotiations with Moscow.

"The second tendencyis the deliberate weakening of the Astana format  by Western strategists in order to further weaken Russia's position.  In this light, the return to the failed Iran nuclear deal does not  seem at all coincidental. A successful completion of the deal will  allow the West to achieve a double effect. The lifting of sanctions  against Iran will allow Tehran to restore their positions in the  world energy markets, which will immediately lead to a weakening of  the energy dependence of the West on the Russian Federation. In  parallel, Moscow and Ankara will lose the opportunity to use the  contradictions between the West and Iran as a diplomatic lever for  their own purposes," the political scientist summed up.