Charles Michel: The European Union is ready to further increase its support towards a long-term and sustainable peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Armenia – Aug 31 2022
Alexandr Avanesov

ArmInfo.The European Union stands ready to further increase its support towards a long-term and sustainable peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This is stated in  the statement of  President of the EU Council, Charles Michel,  following the meeting in Brussels between RA Prime Minister Nikol  Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.  

As the official website of the EU council reports, the press  statement by President Charles Michel reads:  "As agreed during our  last meeting in May, I hosted President Aliyev of Azerbaijan and  Prime Minister Pashinyan of Armenia today.  This was our fourth  discussion in this format. Our discussions focused on recent  developments in the South Caucasus and the relations between the EU  and both countries.  Our exchanges were open and productive – and I  would like to thank both leaders for that. We reviewed the entire set  of issues on our agenda.  It is positive to see that quite a few  steps have been taken to take forward the agreements reached during  our last meeting.

Today we agree to step up substantive work to advance on the peace  treaty governing inter-state relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan  and tasked the Foreign Ministers to meet within one month to work on  draft texts.

We also had a detailed discussion on humanitarian issues, including  demining, detainees and the fate of missing persons.  President  Michel stressed to Azerbaijan the importance of further release of  Armenian detainees.  The EU will continue to be engaged in these  questions.

We reviewed progress on all questions related to the delimitation of  the border and how best to ensure a stable situation.  We agreed that  the next meeting of the Border Commissions will take place in  Brussels in November.

We reviewed progress of discussions on the modalities for unblocking  the transport links.  With all these discussions, I would like to  underline that it is important to take the population along on both  sides and prepare them for a long-term sustainable peace.  Public  messaging is critical in this regard – in a sensitive situation like  this every word spoken in public is obviously listened to by the  other side and weighed.  The EU is ready to further step up its  support towards a long-term sustainable peace.  The EU will also  continue to push for the advancement of economic development for the  benefit of both countries and their populations.  We have agreed to  meet again in this format by the end of November."