Letter to the Editor: Will we stand with Armenia?

Sept 19 2022




~Submitted by Robert Kalantari

The United States and the rest of the civilized world stood solidly behind Ukraine when this sovereign country was attacked by its neighbor Russia. Will the world do the same for Armenia?

Like we stood by Ukraine, and rightfully so, we need to stand by Armenia right now. Most people may not know what is going on, the media is focused on other issues, as if the Armenian blood is not red enough. This small country of 3M Christian people is currently under attack by its hostile neighbor Azerbaijan, with full military support from Turkey, our so called “NATO ally.”

Less than two years ago, the same happened, Armenia and the small independent region known as Nagorno Karabakh was attacked by Azerbaijan, with full support from Turkey, with drones and military aide, and support from ISIS fighters imported to the region, and sadly, support from Israel with military aide in the form of supplying killer drones to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan officially thanked Israel for their support. Just google and find out why. Here is one link I found.

Why Does Israel Support Azerbaijan in Hostilities with Armenia?

By the time the war stopped, over 6500 soldiers and civilians were murdered by this dictator leader, Aliyev. Unfortunately, history once again repeated itself, the 1915 genocide of killing 1.5 million innocent Armenians by the Ottoman Empire was repeated once again, something the world said it would never happen again.

I urge our fellow Bedford citizens and more importantly, our country, our president, and our media to take immediate action and condemn this aggression and killing of the innocent people of this small nation. We need to stand by Armenia and the world needs to do the same, like we did for Ukraine.