Presidential advisor: Karabakh is so sensitive now that I don’t think anything can be provoked or happen from outside
Armenia – Feb 17 2023

Constitutional amendments are a vital necessity in Artsakh. David Babayan, Advisor to the President of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), stated this in an interview with Armenian

"If we do not make these amendments, our state may face a disaster. Choosing the time is another issue; here we have to make a very deep analysis, show a wise approach. Suddenly any sensitivity, settling some issues hurriedly can also lead to disaster. That's why we need to think carefully. Perhaps as a result of the discussions it will be found that it should be postponed for some time; but that this provision should be changed, in my opinion, this cannot be doubted in any way," he said.

Regarding the remark that there are rumors that there are intra-governmental disagreements in Artsakh, and that it is also stated in a direct text from Artsakh that this is instigated by Armenia’s authorities, Babayan said. "Reforms cannot be instigated by anyone in any way. We are really in a difficult situation. It turned out that as a result of the constitutional reforms of 2017, we have the new Constitution, which is generally good, not bad; but the institute of the President and the National Assembly have become Siamese twins. According to the Constitution, if something happens to the president, the National Assembly must be dissolved after 45 days. Now will we be able to make an election or not? How will it be? After the dissolution of the National Assembly, the state system of Artsakh is generally delegitimized. What does it matter who is instigating? No one is instigating; this is vital. It is necessary to do everything to preserve the legitimacy of Artsakh in the political sense as well, to preserve the power structure, the pyramid as well."

According to David Babayan, if it is possible to implement the constitutional amendments and a referendum will take place in Artsakh, the presidential institute and the National Assembly will be separated from each other.

Regarding the rumors that Armenia’s PM Nikol Pashinyan wants to have his desired power in Artsakh, Babayan emphasized: "Artsakh is so sensitive now that I don't think that anything can happen from outside or whether it is appropriate for someone from outside to interfere. You know there is an unwritten law: Artsakh does not interfere in the internal political life of Armenia, and neither does Armenia in Artsakh. It does not mean that we are indifferent to each other. Elections were held in 2021; this is the people's election. I do not accept the approach that the people do not make mistakes. No. The biggest mistake is made by the people; but this is a different issue. We have a government system and no one has the right to undermine it. The government system, the pyramid can be changed only in a civilized way, through normal elections."

And asked whether he saw an unhealthy atmosphere within the governmental arena, David Babayan answered. “Depends on what we mean by saying ‘unhealthy.’ The fact that there should be competition in the government, in society in general, is unequivocal. What is unhealthy is when people try to abuse their authority, when they try to take illegal steps. Such manifestations should be directly suppressed; whoever he may be. In this difficult situation, no one has the right to make Artsakh an object of their own ambitions or a springboard for resolving other issues. This is unacceptable by anyone."

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS