LCF Armenian Classes Take Root

Feb 24 2023

By Mia Alva
Outlook Valley Sun

Three La Cañada Flintridge mothers from Paradise Canyon Elementary have worked for months to add Armenian classes for students in kindergarten through 6th-grade.
“We are excited to create this important educational opportunity for our students and city,” said Kanakara Markar. “This new program supports diversity and inclusion, and further connects community members with one another.”
Markar and her family moved to LCF a couple years ago for the school district. As a native Armenian speaker, something her son and other children in the community could benefit from was an Armenian class that teaches language and culture. She met mothers from a similar background and together, went around to see if other parents would possibly be interested in the program. Markar did some research and found a foundation that was at other schools, and each family interested agreed that the foundation would be beneficial.
The Davidian and Mariamian Educational Foundation was founded in 1987 and has since conducted classes in 25 schools in Southern California.
After the family and the foundation agreed to bring the program to LCF, finding a space was another thing on the to-do list.
“We went to the [LCUSD] district and we are really grateful for the district for allowing us to rent one of its classrooms … and now we have a full program,” said Markar, adding that the program started in February.
The foundation rents the classroom and takes care of everything related to the program. Any child from kindergarten through 6th grade in the district can enroll in the program. A child can start from any level given any previous knowledge. Currently, there are two teachers for 12 students who are enrolled. The students are separated by beginner or intermediate and classes are after school. The program lasts six years and at the end, the children are given a graduation.
“We really do have a strong district with dedicated principals, teachers and staff, and we have so many great programs, this is just adding to the mix,” said Markar.
As far as the children, they are enjoying the program and being able to make friends that are not from their elementary school.
“I like seeing my friends at Armenian class and the teachers are nice,” said PCY first-grader Vahan Gozumian.
Vahan’s mom, Sonya Gozumian, found out about the program through word of mouth and thought “why not?”
“I think he likes when he is in class with the different ages and [it feels] like a club [to him},” said Sonya Gozumian.
Other LCF families are enjoying the program too. Laura Abramian recently enrolled her son into the program after seeing an advertisement on a PTA newsletter. Abramian teaches at Mountain Avenue Elementary School in La Crescenta, which has an Armenian program.
“My children used to go to an Armenian private school. They left to go to La Cañada schools, and they were missing that Armenian language and classroom environment,” said Abramian.
She currently has her 5th-grade son enrolled in the program and he is drawn to the teachers.
Abramian said it would be great and more convenient if the program could eventually be in all elementary schools in LCF, similar to what one of the original mothers wants for the future.
“We hope that with continued interest and support from our administration, this program can grow and more families can take advantage of it. We’d love to have the class offered on-site at each of the three elementary school locations in the future,” said Meleeneh DerHartunian.
The foundation is also excited to grow its program in LCF.
“Davidian & Mariamian Educational Foundation is excited to be in the city of La Cañada. Our program is designed to encourage learning in an engaging and fun way — not only the Armenian language, but also about its rich culture,” said Director Ophelia Satoorian. “We look forward to the program growing and reaching more kids here.”
Currently classes are offered on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 pm in a classroom located in the La Cañada Unified School District office. For more information, visit