Chamlian School Students’ Achievements Recognized at 2023 LA County Science Fair

Principal Dr. Talin Kargodorian and Chamlian's Science Department Head Lida Gevorkian with students whose projects were recognized by the LA County Science Fair

GLENDALE—Chamlian Armenian School announced its exemplary performance at the 2023 Los Angeles County Science Fair. Throughout the course of the 2022 to 2023 Academic School Year, students applied the knowledge gained throughout the course of their science classes to diligently prepare rigorous science projects to be submitted for consideration in the County Science Fair; the results proved promising as Chamlian students were commended for their hard work as evident in the congratulatory awards and recognitions they earned.

The continued success of the Chamlian Science Department, headed by Lida Gevorkian, was on full display at the Science Fair. Chamlian teachers, administration, and parents are proud of the students for utilizing their complex reasoning, planning, and critical thinking skills as they applied their scientific knowledge to prepare their award-winning projects. As young scientists and leaders, Chamlian students have proven that with commitment, dedication, and a thirst for knowledge, the realization of their goals is imminent.

Chamlian students standing in front of their submitted science projects, with Dr. Kargadorian and Lida Gevorkian

The following is the list of students whose dedication to their science projects earned them a place among recognition by the Los Angeles County:

  • Leana Asatourian, First Place: Sugars In Your Smoothies!
  • Sophia Martin, First Place: Comparison of Electromagnetic Fields Emitted from Various Objects
  • Dro Aboulian, Second Place: The Black Soldier Flies’ Affect on Food Waste
  • David Enfiadjian, Honorable Mention: Benzene Breach!
  • Natalie Davidian, Honorable Mention: Electrolyte Challenge
  • Talia Boghossian, Honorable Mention: Can Drosophila Melanogaster Help us Live Healthier and Longer?
  • Alex Ghazarian and Christopher Hagopian, Honorable Mention: Effects of Antibiotics on Radish Growth
  • Ari Armenian, Recognition Award: Water Distillation
  • Maral Shahnazarian, Recognition Award: The Effect of Food Residuals on Grass
  • Vem Boynerian, Recognition Award: Testing Radiation From Electronics in Certain Conditions
  • Emilie Gabrielyan, Recognition Award: Synthetic and Natural Antacids
  • Levon Hairabedian, Recognition Award: How Does Location Affect the Air Quality?
  • Angelique Matavosian, Recognition Award: What Materials Absorb Sound the Most

The Chamlian school faculty and staff applaud the time, effort, and dedication these students put in their science fair projects, and congratulate them on their well-deserved awards. Through their ambitious thirst to discover and create, these young scientists have taken their talents to the next level and accomplished their goals.

“I am incredibly proud of our young scientists and congratulate them on this huge achievement,” said Dr. Talin Kargodorian, when asked for a comment. “As Head of School, I can attest to their ambitious dedication, innovative spirit, and overall admirable thirst for knowledge. I have personally seen the efforts our students contribute to their accomplishments on a daily basis; witnessing their growth and advancement in all fields of academia serves as an honor for me. These attributes always shine through, especially during the annual Los Angeles County Science Fair. The Science Fair is part of a vast array of vital experiences our students take advantage of at Chamlian Armenian School. Academic excellence teams with cross curricular learning in order to provide valuable lessons our students carry with them for a lifetime. I would also like to thank the head of our Science Department, Mrs. Lida Gevorkian, for coordinating the annual Science Fair year after year, tirelessly instilling the love of scientific inquiry and exploration within the young minds of the future leaders of our global community.” Dr. Kargodorian added.