A. Migranyan: Russia’s Retreat From Caucasus Progressive


17.05.2006 17:30

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – “Presently we can observe the progressive retreat
of Russia and the increase of the U.S. presence in the Caucasus.

The U.S. aims at joining to the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline, which will
become one of the instruments for cutting Russia off the geopolitical
processes in the region,” political scientist Andranik Migranyan stated
at the international scientific conference titled “Caucasus without
conflicts and terror: dialogue of civilizations on the Caucasian
crossroad” held in Yerevan today. In his words, the U.S.’s regional
plans base on the states which are incapable to settle the domestic
problems by own strength.

It’s quite obvious that Georgia will not be able to return Abkhazia
and South Ossetia and hopes for the support of the U.S. that takes
the advantage of the situation.

However all attempts of Russia and the U.S. to knock each other form
the South Caucasus are doomed to failure,” the political scientist
remarked. At that he underscored that Georgia even with the support
of the United States will not be able to solve its internal problems.