AW: AYF NY and DC Chapters to lead UN protest against Azerbaijan’s blockade of Artsakh

NEW YORK, N.Y. — The Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) New York “Hyortik,” Manhattan “Moush” and DC “Ani” Chapters will be leading a region-wide protest to demand the end of Azerbaijan’s 100-plus day blockade of Artsakh and ceaseless human rights violations.

The protest will be held on Friday, April 14 at noon in front of the United Nations Headquarters (405 E 42nd Street). T-shirts reading “Azerbaijan is Against Human Rights,” flyers and flags will be supplied. Participants are also encouraged to bring their own flags of Armenia and Artsakh. Transportation will not be provided.

As a youth organization, April instills a significant responsibility within members to rise up and speak the truth— as our fight for justice persists. While the international community has taken no significant action, the blockade of Artsakh remains unrecognized. As AYF members, we must make every effort to oppose complacency by demonstrating a regionally united front to support our comrades in the homeland.

The undeniable human costs of Azerbaijan’s genocidal blockade of Artsakh have involved heavy economical losses, job losses and lack of accessible medical treatment, along with widespread electricity and gas supply shortages. Azerbaijan’s efforts to drive out more than 120,000 native Armenians are slowly starving our people as each consecutive day of the blockade passes by.

Join us to end Azerbaijan’s genocidal blockade and recognize Artsakh in the fight for basic human rights in the homeland. 

The AYF-YOARF New York “Hyortik” Chapter existed even before the AYF was founded in 1933 and works to unite Armenian youth and organize activities in Queens and Long Island. The chapter has a Senior and Junior chapter. The New York “Hyortik” Chapter sets out to achieve its goals and objectives throughout the year with events such as commemorating the Armenian Genocide every April 24th in NYC; fundraising for our homeland; hosting a fall festival and Christmas dinner with juniors; annual Super Bowl parties; and ski trips. The AYF-YOARF’s five pillars (athletic, cultural, educational, political, social) guide this chapter and help to keep its membership active and at the forefront of the Armenian cause at all times.