Healthcare minister reports improvement in condition of survivors of April 11 Azeri attack



 13:53, 13 April 2023

YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. Certain improvement is observed in the health condition of the troops who were wounded during the April 11 Azerbaijani attack near the village of Tegh, Minister of Healthcare Anahit Avanesyan said on April 13.

“We have positive dynamics, yesterday the critically wounded serviceman’s health condition stabilized, which is very good, and we hope that the recovery will proceed positively. There’s improvement in the condition of the others as well, and I think everything will be all right,” she said.

Avanesyan said she personally visited the wounded troops at a Yerevan hospital to wish them swift recovery.

 On April 11, Armenian troops carrying out engineering works near the village of Tegh close to the border with Azerbaijan were ambushed by Azerbaijani forces in an unprovoked attack. Four Armenian soldiers were killed and six wounded.