The Armenian Rescue Service Visits the Kansas Civil Support Team

US Embassy in Armenia

On 10-14 April 2023, under the auspices of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Security Cooperation Engagement Program, 10 specialists of the Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) Situations Monitoring Unit of the Rescue Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) visited the Kansas Civil Support Team (CST) in the state of Kansas, USA.

Within the visit the Armenian CBR Unit personnel had a chance to meet the CST Command and get familiarized with the operations and structure of the CST. Armenian partners also got a chance to participate in a field exercise and practice on detection and respond to chemical and radiological hazardous materials. The CBR team had a unique opportunity to observe the simulated operations of the Kansas Fire Department in the field and based on a scenario, together with the Fire Department, practiced its skills in detection and identification of radioactive elements and proper CBRN personnel decontamination. This visit strengthened partner relations between the Armenian Rescue Service and the Kansas CST and cemented future collaboration within the State Partnership Program.