Asbarez: Baku’s Claims of Armenians Transporting Arms to Artsakh Denied

A screen shot from a video released by Baku alleging Armenian arms transports to Artsakh

Azerbaijan claimed that an Armenian Army military convoy, accompanied by Russian peacekeeping units, had entered Karabakh on Friday, accusing Yerevan of transporting arms to Artsakh.

Armenia’s Defense Ministry, as well as Artsakh authorities slammed Baku for continuing its misinformation campaign and advancing its aggressive policies in the region.

“All claims by the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry regarding the transfer of personnel, weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Armenia are also false,” Armenia’s defense ministry said in a statement.

Artsakh Interior Ministry called the Azerbaijani claims false and explained in a Facebook post that the movement depicted in a video posted by Baku depicted the transport of cargo internally within Artsakh, explaining that the only road connecting Artsakh to Armenia—the Lachin Corridor—remained blockaded since December 12.

“In the video published by them [Azerbaijan], a water truck can be seen, with which it is definitely not possible to transport weapons,” added the Artsakh statement.

“Thus, Azerbaijan is misleading the international community by representing the transportation of humanitarian goods and internal movements as the transportation of military equipment and ammunition,” said Artsakh’s Interior Ministry.

“On the other hand by violating the ceasefire almost every day, the Azerbaijani armed forces are opening fire even at civilians in Artsakh, halting all farming activities,” the Facebook message says.