Armenpress: FM Mirzoyan, OSCE Minsk Group US Co-chair discuss normalization of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations




YEREVAN, MAY 26, ARMENPRESS. On May 26 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan met with Louis Bono, the Senior Adviser for Caucasus Negotiations, the U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, ARMENPRESS was informed from MFA Armenia.

The interlocutors discussed the normalization process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, touched upon the issues which were discussed during the latest negotiations in that direction and those that still need to be mutually agreed upon.

Ararat Mirzoyan reaffirmed the commitment of the Armenian side to establish comprehensive and lasting peace in the region. In that regard Minister Mirzoyan stressed that, among other issues, renouncing the use of force or the threat of use of force, clear definition of borders and ensuring border security, as well as addressing the rights and security issues of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh under the mechanism of internationally guaranteed dialogue are key.