Asbarez: Capacity Crowd Marks 105th Anniversary of Armenian Independence

Capacity crowd joined in marking the 105th anniversary of Armenian Independence

11 New Members Join ARF Ranks

A capacity crowd of more than 600 community members turned out to mark the 105th anniversary of Armenian Independence on June 3 at Ferrahian School’s Avedissian Hall, for an event organized by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western U.S. Central Committee.

The event featured famous Armenian singers Gaby Galoyan and Koko Tutunjian, who through their renditions of new and popular songs elevated the spirits of those in attendance.

Renowned singer Gaby Galoyan Patriotic and national singer Koko Tutunjian

The short program began with remarks by Ayana Hamamjian and Antranik Zobian who welcomed the guests and highlighted the spirit of May 28. They were followed by Sarkis Balkhian, who emphasized the important legacy of Armenian Independence and by drawing on the current situation embroiling Artsakh and Armenia stressed the critical need to preserve the principles of independence and self-determination.

Sarkis Bakhian Antranik Zobian and Ayana Hamamjian

The program also included a video presentation chronicling the history and legacy of Armenian Independence.

Prior to the gathering, during a separate ceremony at Ferrahian School’s Dickranian Hall, 11 new members joined the ranks of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation.

The hall was teeming with ARF members who had turned out to welcome the new members, who had completed a rigorous educational program, consisting of discussions about ARF history, ideology and the commitment to service to the Armenian Nation.

Officiating the ceremony was veteran ARF member Mardig Keushkerian, who in his remarks emphasized that key to serving the Armenian Nation as an ARF member is to have trust in one’s fellow “unger” and to work together to realize the goals of the organization.

“It is true that the ongoing political realities since Armenia’s second independence didn’t always go in our favor, especially as it relates to Artsakh; however, the ARF continues to remain unwavering and faithful to its mission of establishing a Free, United and Independent Armenia—a vision adopted by Armenia’s Parliament in 1919,” Keushkerian outlined in his remarks.

“The ARF is like a 133-year-old oak tree, while sometimes its leaves may fall, its roots remain unshakable and firmly embedded in the homeland, due in large part to its ranks and the unwavering conviction of its supporters,” added Keushkerian.

Dr. Harut Mkrtchyan delivered remarks on behalf of the ARF Western U.S. Central Committee and welcomed the new members to the ranks.

He explained that the new members took an oath to advance and honor the ARF Program, as it is that document that clearly denotes the ideology, principles and the crux of the organization.

“The ARF is not your typical party. It is an ideology in and of itself,” said Mkrtchyan.

He referred to the words of ARF leader Sarkis Zeitlian, who had said that ARF is a means to achieve our national aspirations and warned that the day the ARF becomes a goal rather than the means, it will turn into a sect.

“The ARF was borne from the people and in service to the Armenian people. It is patriotism and nationalism,” added Mkrtchyan.