Western Prelacy Will Allocate $1.3 Million Armenian Schools

Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donyan with the Prelacy Executive Council

The Western Prelacy on Tuesday announced that it will allocate $1.3 million to Armenian schools operating under its auspices.

In an announcement the Prelacy said that the allocation was made “in order to train the young Armenian generations into becoming conscious Armenian-Christians, by expanding, modernizing and enriching the schools with new educational methods.”

“The betterment of the Armenian Church and the Armenian school is one of the core missions of the Western Prelacy and of the Prelacies within the jurisdiction of the Holy See of Cilicia,” Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan said.

“This latest financial support is an eloquent testimony to the care given to our schools within the Western Prelacy,” added the Prelate.