Liturgy at NYC’s St. Vartan Cathedral Launches Diocese’s 125th Anniversary Celebration


Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) 

630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016 

Contact: Chris Zakian 

Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558 

E-mail: [email protected] 



June 5, 2023



ATTENTION EDITOR: Three photos attached with captions below. Additional photos can be downloaded from the gallery linked here (please credit Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages):




“The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us…”:



New York’s St. Vartan Cathedral was the site of a special Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 2, celebrating the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America.


On that same date in 1898, Catholicos Mkrtich Khrimian (known to the ages as “Khrimian Hayrig”) issued the encyclical that officially established the very first Armenian Diocese in the New World.


Diocesan Primate Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan celebrated the badarak at the cathedral, joined on the altar by Cathedral Vicar Fr. Davit Karamyan, St. Nersess Seminary Dean Fr. Mardiros Chevian, senior priests Fr. Karekin Kasparian and Fr. Aved Terzian, Fr. Gomidas Zohrabian from the Western Diocese, as well as a large company of deacons.


Among the crowd of worshippers was a large group of young parishioners and altar servers from around the Diocese, who were attending the St. Nersess Summer Conference programs.


During his sermon, Fr. Mesrop read a special congratulatory message for the occasion from His Holiness Karekin II, the Catholicos of All Armenians. The message was also read in local parishes across the Eastern Diocese, as they marked the anniversary milestone.


“It was in the year 1898 that the Armenian Church’s Diocese of America began its history,” wrote Catholicos Karekin II in his letter. “This was a time that also saw the massacre of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey; the destruction of age-old monasteries and churches on our native soil; and the depopulation of Armenians from their ancestral lands. So it was an act of remarkable foresight when Catholicos Mkrtich Khrimian—Khrimian Hayrig, of blessed memory—had a vision that a bright, enduring future awaited the Armenian people on the soil of the United States, where so many faithful Armenians had lately taken refuge. And under that vision he established the Armenian Diocese of North America, to advance the ministry of our Holy Church in the New World.”



* “He Has Never Let Us Down…”


In his sermon, Fr. Parsamyan also reflected on the 125-year history of the Diocese by echoing the words of the Bible: “The Lord has done great things for us—and we are filled with joy” (Psalm 126:3).


“Those ancient words,” the Primate said, “ring with Truth for us today. And so we joyfully sing the praises of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose hand has been upon this Diocese from the very beginning. He has never let us down. He has never abandoned us. And He will always be leading us forward.”


The Primate made similar observations in a special video message, released to the public on Sunday morning. (Watch the video at the links below.)


A reception in the Diocesan Center’s Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium allowed worshippers and other visitors to greet the Primate and receive his blessing.


The Diocese’s 125th Anniversary is an ongoing series of events, involving special liturgical services, cultural and social gatherings, and charitable outreach activities among our local communities. Learn more about the celebration and its upcoming events by clicking here.


Click the following links to:


·       WATCH the Primate’s special video message in English and in Armenian.

·       WATCH a recording of the anniversary badarak on Facebook.

·       VIEW a gallery of photos by photographer Harout Barsoumian.




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Diocesan Primate Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan celebrated the badarak at New York’s St. Vartan Cathedral on Sunday, July 2, 2023, celebrating the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America. (Photo: Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages)



At New York’s St. Vartan Cathedral on Sunday, July 2, 2023, Diocesan Primate Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan offered a special homily on the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Diocese. “We joyfully sing the praises of our Lord Jesus Christ,” he said, “whose hand has been upon this Diocese from the very beginning. He has never let us down. He has never abandoned us. And He will always be leading us forward.” (Photo: Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages)



A reception in the Diocesan Center’s Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium allowed worshippers and other visitors to greet the Primate and receive his blessing. Here is Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan greeting young altar servers from around the Diocese, who were attending the St. Nersess Seminary Summer Conference programs. (Photo: Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages)


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Photo Gallery (credit Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages):


Fr. Parsamyan’s Video Message (English):


Fr. Parsamyan’s Video Message (Armenian):


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