Iranian Armenians strongly condemn EU’s inaction toward insulting Quran

Iran –
IBNA- At a meeting, Archbishop Sepuh Sargsyan, the prelate of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran, the Armenian community strongly condemned the European Union's passive stance against the sacrilegious act of the Holy Quran burning in Sweden.

“As an Apostolic clergyman and religious leader, I strictly censure this act. There are sacred beliefs in all religions that people of any faith should respect, like the holy book of Bible in Christianity and Torah in Jewism,” the archbishop of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran located at Saint Sarkis Cathedral said.
He appreciated the presence of reporters at the meeting who came to convey the ideas of the Iranian Armenian church in response to the insulting act.
Earlier on the eve of Eid al-Adha, a 37-year-old Iraqi refugee in Sweden, tore, burned and kicked the holy Quran in front of the main mosque in Stockholm at a protest initially allowed by the authorities.
“Confronted with such inhumane act, unfortunately the West and particularly the European Union adopted silence. The Union has always reacted like this, for example at the moment in the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, it is over 170 days that more than 120,000 people are besieged as the EU has not taken any action to help them and they are suffering in a drastic living condition,” Sargsyan stated.
“When they agree and plan to burn the holy book of Islam in Sweden and Denmark they are not able to help the People of Nagorno-Karabakh, of course they can, but they hide themselves under the freedom of speech show. That's why we blast their  method and believe such action is unforgivable,” he added.
Earlier, the head of the Catholic Church Pope Francis also lamented the burning of the Quran, ‎Islam's holiest book, in Sweden, while urging individuals take to heart the values ‎promoted in the Document on Human Fraternity.‎
The Pope remarked: “Any book considered sacred by its authors must be respected out of respect for its believers, and freedom of _expression_ must never be used as an excuse to despise others, and to allow this, must be rejected and condemned.”