Was it because?

A fitting tribute

Last Sunday, my wife and I went to Camp Haiastan to witness the dedication of the renovated Cabin Circle in memory of Regina Najarian and the Under the Trees area in memory of Mark Alashaian and Vaghinag Koroghlian. How great it was to see the amount of people there for such a special day. The next morning, I sat quietly reflecting, still in awe of how many people made the trip to Franklin, Massachusetts. It was like the “good old days,” 1,000 people strong.

Was it because the weather was so beautiful?

Was it because everyone wanted to see green grass growing in the cabin circle for the first time in 70 years?

Was it because everyone could finally fit Under the Trees at one time with its new expansive design?

Was it because parents wanted to spend a few more minutes with the campers they were dropping off for Session 2?

Was it the desire to leave New York and New Jersey for greener pastures, if only for a few hours?

Was it because Sunday was the first picnic at Camp Haiastan in three years?

The kebab was worth the wait.

Was it because we knew the Providence ARF and friends worked so hard to make this picnic memorable, and we knew the food would be great?

Was it because Sunday would be the only picnic at Camp Haiastan this summer?

Was it because Hagop Donoyan was cooking the shish kebab?

Was it the sound of Armenian music coming from the bandstand?

Was it because people heard that Peter Alemian and Bob Gigarjian were going to be there?

Was it to hear the laughter of our next generation enjoying time with each other?

Was it because we knew we would see countless friends all in one place?

Was it a desire to revisit a piece of our past that we all cherish?

Was it because Camp Haiastan is the greatest place on earth?

John Mangassarian is a former camper, counselor, board member and lifelong supporter of Camp Haiastan.