Armineh Chelebian Announces Endorsements For 40th Assembly DistrictR


California Chronicle, CA
May 22 2006

WINNETKA, CA – The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Los Angeles
County Supervisor Mike Antonovich, and Los Angeles City Councilman
Greig Smith have endorsed the candidacy of Republican Armineh Chelebian
for the State Assembly in the western San Fernando Valley’s 40th
assembly district, the Chelebian campaign announced today.

Chelebian, an accountant and business woman with deep roots in the
Valley’s cultural and business communities has also won endorsements

Former Gov. George Deukmejian, State Sen. Chuck Poochigian & Mrs.
Debbie Poochigian, State Sen. George C. Runner, Assemblywoman Sharon
Runner, Assemblyman Keith S. Richman, Former Assemblyman-Caucus Chair
Tony Strickland, Former Assemblywoman Paula L. Boland, Glendale City
Councilman Bob Yousefian, California Republican Assembly, and Armenian
American Republican Association.

Her supporters also include party and community leaders, among
them Mary Hawkins, Doug Boyd, Walter Allen III, Al Han, Sylvia
Granados-Southerland, Cesar Castellanos, Gary Aminoff, James Pavik,
Albert Abkarian, Paul H. Weisman, Heather Peters, Sean McCarthy,
Gretchen Martin, Juan Hovey, Eric Wickland, Richard Hunter, Terry L.
Higham, Esq., Jeffers MacArthur Dodge, Boghos (Paul) Boghossian, Gene
Giegoldt, Duke Ritter, Hrand Safarian, P.E. and Zabelle Safarian,
Hovannes and Kohar Chelebian, Nora Basmadjian Linda Safarian, Anahid
Grigorian, Adrineh Safarian, Porter Arthur Sims, Jozef T. Essavi,
Nina F. Essavi, Anthony Sims, Delores Sims, Isabel M. Oelgardt,
Kenneth Baldwin, Alex Dadourian, Pat & Russ Milham, Duane C Buckley,
Rose Injejikian, Dianne Ohanesian, Vatche Terzian, Andria Page, Erma
Smith, Zaven Atashian, Andria Page, Erma Smith, Dave and Lora Thomas.

A graduate of California State University, Northridge, Chelebian
is founder of A.S.C. Accounting and Financial Consulting Services,
Winnetka, CA., a member of the executive board of the Los Angeles
County Republican Party, for which she serves as Assistant Treasurer;
Chair of the 40th Assembly District Republican Central Committee;
and an elected board member of the Winnetka Neighborhood Council
also serving as the Chair of Public Works Transportation Committee
and Vice Chair of Planning and Land Use Committee.