Armenpress: Tigran Avinyan sworn in as Mayor of Yerevan


YEREVAN, OCTOBER 13, ARMENPRESS. Tigran Avinyan was sworn in as Mayor of Yerevan during an inauguration ceremony on October 13.

Avinyan took the oath of office with his hand on the 782 BCE Erebuni-Yerevan foundation cuneiform inscription.

President of Armenia Vahagn Khachaturyan, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Speaker of Parliament Alen Simonyan, Cabinet ministers, foreign ambassadors and other officials attended the inauguration.

In his speech, Prime Minister Pashinyan congratulated Avinyan on assuming office.

“These elections showed a very important thing, the irreversible democracy in Armenia. The entire process of the elections was certainly tense, but the democratic essence of the elections and Armenia was not anyhow shadowed, and this is highly important,” Pashinyan said.

The elections also once again showed the ruling Civil Contract party’s unwavering commitment to the values of the 2018 revolution, the primary goal of which was to empower the citizens to form the governing institutions and bodies.