Asbarez: Mesrobian School Students Visit LACC

Mesrobian School high school students at Los Angeles City College


Armenian Mesrobian School high school students on October 6 paid a visit to Los Angeles City College, the educational institution administering Mesrobian’s esteemed Business and Psychology dual enrollment programs.

In recent years, many Mesrobian alumni have shown increasing interest in community colleges, which may be an unfamiliar topic for current students. Through programs like dual enrollment, students have the chance to gain personal connections with the school, potentially unlocking new opportunities and experiences within the wide selection of community college education.

As the trip began, the school dedicated time and resources to ensure each student received their very own LACC student ID. “Getting a college ID was a really cool privilege. The perks and advantages are endless,” said a 10th grade student.

Soon after, the enlightening tour of the LACC campus began, as students were carefully divided by grade to ensure that each one was acquainted with the school, its skilled programs, and its endless opportunities.

Along the way, students witnessed cutting-edge laboratories, talented art pieces, and the school’s renowned TV and Cinematography set. Here, students got hands-on experience with a TV talk show, not only gaining new knowledge but sheer enjoyment.

This experience proved effective, as Lucin Ayezouyan, a 12th grader, decided to alter her course and pursue a major in TV and cinematography. “Actually being on the set and working with the cameras, I really saw myself doing that, it brought me pure excitement and joy,” said Ayezouyan.

The tour and overall event concluded with the distribution of complimentary LACC sweatshirts. This small gesture created a strong sense of belonging, making the Mesrobian family feel “at home” with this newfound relationship.