Regular Session of NATO Parliamentary Assembly Starts in Paris


PARIS, MAY 26, NOYAN TAPAN – ARMENIANS TODAY. The regular session of
the NATO Parliamentary Assembly starts on May 26 at the Congress Hall
of Paris where the Armenian delegation is headed by Mher Shahgeldian,
the already former Chairman of the NA Standing Committy on Defence,
National Security and Internal Affairs, the Deputy Chairman of the
“Orinats Yerkir” (Country of Law) party left the coalition. According
to Radio Liberty, Alexan Karapetian from the “Azgayin Miabanutiun”
(National Unity) faction and Artur Petrosian, a deputy of the “MAK”
(“United Labour Party”) faction are in the staff of the delegation.

Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan also got invitations to
participate in the session. If Ilham Aliyev received the invitation
and even, according to the information placed in the NATO official
site, will make a speech, then Robert Kocharian did not leave
Paris. President’s Spokesperson Victor Soghomonian explained it with
“load of agenda” of the Armenian President. “OSCE Minsk Group
Ch-Chairmen’s visit to Yerevan is expected during those days,
celebrations of the Republic holiday are on May 28,” Victor
Soghomonian said the last week.