Russian Foreign Minister to Discuss Regional Issues in Ankara


Russian Foreign Minister to Discuss Regional Issues in Ankara

29.05.2006 16:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The relations with Turkey are important for Russia’s
foreign policy, RF MFA formal representative Mikhail Kamynin said when
commenting of the upcoming visit of the Russian Foreign Minister to
Turkey. In his words, during the visit (May 31-June 1) Sergey Lavrov
is going to discuss a scope of issues referring to the Russian-Turkish
cooperation including the preparation for the visit of Turkish
President Ahmed Necet Sezer to Moscow. `Lavrov’s visit will offer the
possibility to check the whole range of bilateral relations and urgent
international and regional matters before the Turkish President’s
call,’ the Russian diplomat said.

The Russian FM is scheduled to visit with his Turkish counterpart,
President Sezer, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the
parliament leaders. Lavrov will also visit Istanbul-base headquarters
of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization to discuss the
activities of BlackSeaFore naval group and the possibility of Russia’s
joining the Black Sea Harmony operation.

Kamynin also informed that the Iraqi and Near East settlement, the
Iranian nuclear program, the situation in the Transcaucasus and
Central Asia as well as the Cypriot problem will be addressed,
reported RIA Novosti.