"My Armenia" Ukrainian Festival-Contest Held In Kiev


Noyan Tapan
Armenians Today
Jun 21 2006

KIEV, JUNE 21, NOYAN TAPAN – ARMENIANS TODAY. This year the Union of
Armenians of Ukraine marks its 5th anniversary. In connection with this
date, "My Armenia" three-day Ukrainian festival-contest of Armenian
creation has been held lately in Kiev. The contest nominations were:
choreography, singing, instrumental music and painting.

According to the Yerkramas (Territory) newspaper of Armenians of
Russia, 275 participants from the majority of Ukrainian regions took
part in the contest. According to the results of the selective tour,
36 participants were awarded diplomas of festival laureats (first,
second, third places) and 4 participants the higher award of the
festival, grand prix.

The jury of the festival was headed by world-famous singer Tamara
Avetisian and the President of the festival was film director,
People’s Artist of the Ukraine Roman Balayan.