Artsakh War Participants Call Upon All Patriotic Forces To Defend En


Noyan Tapan
Jul 4 2006

YEREVAN, JULY 4, NOYAN TAPAN. "The country gained a victory, but has
no winner. People who fought, perished for the homeland and won,
have no status. The history of our Movement, the history of the
Liberation War is distorted," the July 4 statement of a group of
Artsakh liberation war commanders read.

The statement authors emphasize that people who won the war are in a
bad social position in Armenia and everything is done to discredit
them and the way passed by them in the society’s eyes. "People who
are not connected at all with this Movement and War evaluate the
merits of the war participants," the Artsakh war participants declare.

"We, Armenians, have liberated a small part of our lost homeland,
which is an Absolute value, it proves that it is given to the
enemy. Proceeding from the above mentioned, we declare that those
who will lift up their hand against even if the smallest part of our
homeland mechanically put themselves in the position of Turk invaders
with all consequences proceeding from this. We call upon all patriotic
forces to unite at this critical moment and to defend our homeland
that is in danger," the war participants declare.

The statement was signed by Mikael Apresian, Commander of the "Artsakh"
regiment, Manvel Yeghiazarian, Commander of the "Arabo" regiment,
Arkady Karapetian, Commander of troops of Artaskh self-defence,
Field Commander Voskan Gyulumian.