ANKARA: Premier Erdogan Calls On Turkish People In France To Be More


Anatolian Times, Turkey
July 5 2006

STRASBOURG – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on
Turks in France to get more organized and integrate into the society
in which they live to help to the improvement of bilateral relations
between the two countries.

In an interview with the French Le Figaro daily, PM Erdogan said,
"the EU perceives Turkey in a different way since it comes from a
different civilization and has a population of 70 million. However,
this approach has begun losing its prevalence recently."

When asked whether Turkey’s rejection to open its ports and airports
to the Greek Cypriot vessels and aircraft would lead to the suspension
of entry negotiations, Erdogan said, "I do not want to think about
suspension of talks due to such an irrelevant issue. It is totally
contrary to EU principles."

Referring to the embargo imposed on the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus (TRNC), PM Erdogan said, "although Turkish Cypriots accepted
the Annan plan in 2004’s referendum, they were punished, while the
Greek Cypriots, who rejected the plan, were awarded. Is this fair?"

Replying to a question about Turkish-French relations, PM Erdogan said,
"France is one of the most important trade partners of Turkey.

I believe that the negative impression of French people towards Turkey
stem from lack of communication. Therefore, I call on Turkish people
living in France to be more organized and integrated (into the society)
for improvement of bilateral relations between the two countries."

Upon a question about the so-called Armenian genocide, Erdogan
indicated, "we believe that historians should deal with the issue.

We have opened all our archives to researchers. I sent a letter
(in this regard) to Armenian President Robert Kocharian, but he did
not responded."